You Make the Call....IRAQ
Since I've been crossing the lines into the "enemy's camp" at the lair of the Urban Fox, I thought I'd open this challenge/question to you all...hopefully some of the Fox's readers will come here to post their solutions to the question.
If you could convince President Bush and Prime Minister Blair to accept your mediated solution to the current operations in Iraq, what would your recommendation be?
Take as many or as few words as you need to get your point across.
Hmmmm, birds of a feather certainly do seem to flock to this blog together. I'm the lone wacko, Yank (and I'll remind you that you'd be speaking either German or Russian without our help in the 1940s), conservative blogger brave enough to venture into your midst to support the other side of the issue. If you'd just rather me "piss off" I'll be happy to do just that...but only when the Fox asks me to leave...
What do you call people that fire mortar rounds into the exercise yard of a prison full of suspected "anti-government" prisoners and enemies of the interim Iraqi government?
What do you call people that round up members of the Iraqi National Guard and execute them "gangland" style with a bullet to the back of the head?
What do you call someone that kidnaps a defenseless countrywoman of yours and brutally murders her in the name of returning Iraq back to the hands of brutal dictators recently deposed?
If the word terrorist doesn't fit...I just don't get it.
We can argue all day long whether or not this war is a "just war" or not. Your sources of information are just that...sources. I read each and every one you cited in your initial blog entry. Many, many blogs out there are opinion oriented blogs...not major media outlets with huge research departments (that sometimes go under utilized...ask Dan Rather) checking each and every fact. People are writing about how they feel about the news stories that are coming out of Iraq, Afghanistan or wherever. To cite that American/Coalition forces used chemical weapons during the Fallujah offensive is probably a little bit over the top. While I would imagine that the use of CS gas (tear gas used for crowd control across the planet) would be unpleasant for someone that wasn't wearing a protective garment and mask...but hardly capable of "burning fighters beyond recognition." I've sucked down my fair share of CS during training events and exercises and I'll tell you one thing, you'll never find me in a crowd of protesters after being warned about the potential use of tear gas. Not at all pleasant.
Fox, I don't know what it is about you, but you keep trying to put Bush and Blair into the uniforms of Hitler and Mussolini. Yes, it's your opinion...but you're not backing this up with facts. You're using information collected from a variety of questionable news (Arab TV/Al Jazeerah like) and blog sources and expecting EVERYONE to buy it. Obviously you have quite a loyal, slavish following as I haven't seen anyone call you on the carpet for trying to force your point of view on your readers. I suppose that since I question your viewpoint I must be Hirohito, Goebels, and Himmler rolled into one.
My question to you...and your fans:
If you could convince President Bush and Prime Minister Blair to accept your mediated solution to the current operations in Iraq, what would your recommendation be? Take as many or as few words as you need to get your point across. Respond here...or at my blog:
I'll post this "challenge" on my blog for your responses.
Tonight as I sit here enjoying two day old turkey and ham left over from Thanksgiving...I'll ask the Almighty to watch over our troops, our leaders, and both our great nations.
See y'all on the high ground...