Major Dad 1984

Cursed By A Classical Education

Let's just say that I intend to use this blog to blow off some steam that I might be feeling with the International/National media, my work situation, or maybe even to tee off on the family in a humorous way of course!

1/15/2005 Merchandise

Have you ever seen any merchandise for the Super Bowl "runner-ups?"

Here's something of a phenomena that's in the news .

Anti-Bush Bracelets Say, 'Count Me Blue'

Apparently there are some entrepreneurial types out there that saw a market for "loser paraphenalia" and filled it. The next amazing thing is that people are snapping it up online at places like liberal/democrat blogs and even on eBay.

Now I might be jumping to conclusions here...but don't you think that the $2-$5 people are shelling out for these little trinkets might be better spent by giving the money to a homeless person, a soup kitchen or a women's shelter? Where's the compassion? Where's the love?

I'm heading out to eBay to see if I can find some Oakland Raider stuff from the 2003 Super Bowl!

Or maybe I should head over to Cafe Press and jump on the Red State bandwagon. You know that conservative Republicans have oodles of money to spend on themselves...and never show any compassion at all. Woo hoo! I'll be rich, wealthy, socially secure!

See you on the high ground!


Read the rest of the longer story!


Homespun Symposium VIII - MajorDad's Spin

This week's question:

What, in your opinion, are the moral responsibilities of the individual citizen in the United States (or your own country) today and how do you believe people should act upon (or react to) those perceived responsibilities?

I would say that the number one moral responsibility of the American people is to be responsible for their own actions/inactions and accept the consequence of them.

We are a society, it would seem from reading the paper or watching the nightly news, full of people that are unwilling to step up to the plate and admit that they've made mistakes. It's always somebody else's fault when:

1. Bills go unpaid.
2. Children go untended...or worse.
3. A job is lost....even to a harder working nobody in a far off land.
4. Homes, businesses, and family fortunes are lost.
5. Homework isn't done....or checked up on by the parents.
6. Families with little money opt for cigarettes and lottery tickets rather than fresh milk and diapers.
7. Illegitimate children are brought into this world without the means to be supported.
8. Marriages fail.
9. A drunk driving fatality occurs.
10. Another American goes to prison.

I could probably go on for a very long time listing things that shouldn't happen as often...if people would just accept the fact that they're responsible for a great deal of what happens to them. I'm far from perfect...I make mistakes...but unless I can honestly blame another person or circumstance, I'll fess up, tell the truth and ensure that it doesn't happen again.

It sure doesn't seem like there are enough other people in this country willing to step up and play the game straight. But again, I'm typing here in the blogosphere...I'm probably preaching to the choir.

From the high ground.


. And here is the rest of it.

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Sandy Berger and the "Socks Docs"

Well, they sure took their sweet time in doing it, but the "Feds" have finally started looking into Sandy Berger's indiscretions with about 40-50 classified documents he heisted from the vault at the National Archives. Here's a little story that ran in the New York Post...


Sandy Berger, President Clinton's National Security Advisor, claims that he made an honest mistake when he walked out of the Archives with 40-50 top secret documents hidden on his person...allegedly his socks.

Hmmmm...I'm not even going to try it I know that there's no way I could fit that much paper inside my socks, but that aside...what kinds of crimes have been committed?

1. Unlawful possession of classified materials outside a secure area.

2. Unlawful destruction of same. (I've never destroyed TOP SECRET material...but the hassle of getting rid of SECRET stuff is troublesome enough. Can't imagine what you have to do to the TOP SECRET stuff.

3. Coming up with one WHOPPER of a cover story to keep his butt out of jail.

. Folks, I'm a former intelligence officer myself...and in my storied past, I've had plenty of contact with top secret materials. Even the rank novice realizes that the compromise of this kind of information by definition could cause EXTREMELY GRAVE CONSEQUENCES to NATIONAL SECURITY. While Mr. Berger was supposed to have been vetting the documents for inclusion to the official 9/11 Report, he seems to have been doing a little unauthorized housecleaning to clear not only himself, but his boss, Mr. Clinton.

If SGT Tentpeg tried to use these excuses upon losing even just ONE TOP SECRET document, he'd be cooling his heels in Leavenworth for quite some time. What Sandy Berger's spreading around here would do a great deal of good for MajorDad's majorly brown lawn!

Let's see if there are going to be different spanks for different ranks here!

From the high ground!


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My Pablo...

Wellington had his Napoleon....Lieutenant Commander Smash had his Pablo Paredes....and now, I thank my lucky stars I've got a slacker of my own....Specialist 4th Class Joseph Jacobo!

Yes, the Army's finally has it's relatively high profile jackass that was happy as a clam to take the money, the benefits and perks of being a reservist, but when things get hot, he wants out of the kitchen. By now you're probably thinking, what the hell is MajorDad babbling about this time. Here you go kiddies! Read this and come on back to see what I have to say about "that."

AWOL Reservist Cites Inadequacies - At Yahoo!.

Okay, have you had enough background reading to be conversant with this case?

Inadequacies in the Army??? Well dip me in excrement and call me "Stinky!" Do you think? Never saw M*A*S*H? Ever hear of Vietnam? Of course there are inadequacies in ANY military outfit...just like there are inadequacies in the corporate world too, but I think that SP4 Jacobo is hiding behind a perceived problem...rather than a real one.

Having just dropped off 13 of my friends back at Fort Bliss to catch their "ride" to the sand they received the same training that SP4 Jacobo is whining about...I can tell you for a fact that it's a much better program than it was a year ago when I said farewell to the first group of friends that deployed to and returned from Iraq and Afghanistan. Now is it perfect? Of course not. Trying to keep up with the improving insurgent tactics is tough even for the active folks that actually live as soldiers, rather than the reservists that only get a weekend a month and two weeks a year for training.

I don't mean to paint all reservists/guardsmen with the same brush, but for the most part, I've seen VERY FEW reserve or guard units that could fight alongside their active brethren and be indistinguishable. One of the reasons that the guard and reserves have been called up for so long is that someone finally realized (probably after the abortive attempt to call up three separate infantry brigades and actually expect them to fight in Desert Storm) that they weren't up to the task immediately after being called up. I work right down the street from a barracks with probably 400-500 reservist camping out while they train up to a standard worthy calling them soldiers and allowing them to deploy. They appear to change units about every six months...when trained, they deploy and the next group shows up. I'm only guessing here based on the unit patches I'm seeing on shoulders.

But back to SP4 Jacobo...and his seemingly doomed plight.

First, let me ask someone with a little bit of a military credible would you find a 46 year old "Spec 4?" Let me venture a guess that SP4 Jacobo has had a little trouble with the military justice system. I know sergeants major that are younger than 46!!! This guy's been up the rank chain before....and most probably busted a couple of times along the way. With the demand for reserves/guardsmen to sign on the dotted line, I think there might have been a recruiter somewhere that might have looked the other way on this enlistment contract.

Second, if SP4 Jacobo has been through the pre-deployment training at Fort the guys/girls I've worked with down there from my unit, there's no way in hell he can have a faulty weapon! I know that the training requires ALL deploying soldiers to zero (personalize the sight picture for their weapons) and QUALIFY in order to be certified for deployment. As deploying soldiers draw their weapons from the arms room at Fort Bliss, the armorers (weapon repair experts) have exactly what they need to keep the weapons in an acceptable condition. The M4 or M16s issued aren't exactly sniper rifles, but thanks to the lack of marksmanship training in the Iraqi insurgency...certainly good enough to win a gunfight with these jokers. SP4're welcome to respond any time either here in a public forum or privately in electronic mail.

Third, SP4 Jacobo is complaining about a lack of theater specific training to familiarize his unit with Iraq. Funny, I heard plenty of complaining several weeks ago as my friends went through a two week training cycle...saying that they had had enough country training for a lifetime. The training has also been augmented by convoy training, reactions to ambush training, and how to conduct a proper inspection of a vehicle to ensure that there are no car bombs driving where they ought not be. If SP4 Jacobo has called it quits within the last six weeks....he's a liar. The improved training began in late November 2004.

Finally, let me say in the defense of the Reserves and the Guard...I don't agree with the way you're being employed either. Many of you don't have the experience or the training to step off the planes and be completely ready....but let's keep in mind you've been happy to take a promised paycheck for you to satisfy your end of the bargain. It's no mystery to anyone putting on the uniform that you might just come home in an aluminum box under our nation's flag. That's what they meant by "defend the Constitution against all enemies both foreign and domestic" when you took the oath...or the multiple times that Jacobo's taken it as referenced in this story.

I would expect a gung-ho Marine to have a little more guts to stand and fight any problems than to "cut and run" from them. Semper Fi, Jacobo? You need to change the message on your cell phone. You can have that message back when you choose to be “always faithful.” Right now you’re dishonoring thousands of Marines, both living and dead by playing your games with the media.
First, let me ask someone with a little bit of a military credible would you find a 46 year old "Spec 4?" Let me venture a guess that SP4 Jacobo has had a little trouble with the military justice system. I know sergeants major that are younger than 46!!! This guy's been up the rank chain before....and most probably busted a couple of times along the way. With the demand for reserves/guardsmen to sign on the dotted line, I think there might have been a recruiter somewhere that might have looked the other way on this enlistment contract.

Second, if SP4 Jacobo has been through the pre-deployment training at Fort the guys/girls I've worked with down there from my unit, there's no way in hell he can have a faulty weapon! I know that the training requires ALL deploying soldiers to zero (personalize the sight picture for their weapons) and QUALIFY in order to be certified for deployment. As deploying soldiers draw their weapons from the arms room at Fort Bliss, the armorers (weapon repair experts) have exactly what they need to keep the weapons in an acceptable condition. The M4 or M16s issued aren't exactly sniper rifles, but thanks to the lack of marksmanship training in the Iraqi insurgency...certainly good enough to win a gunfight with these jokers. SP4're welcome to respond any time either here in a public forum or privately in electronic mail.

Third, SP4 Jacobo is complaining about a lack of theater specific training to familiarize his unit with Iraq. Funny, I heard plenty of complaining several weeks ago as my friends went through a two week training cycle...saying that they had had enough country training for a lifetime. The training has also been augmented by convoy training, reactions to ambush training, and how to conduct a proper inspection of a vehicle to ensure that there are no car bombs driving where they ought not be. If SP4 Jacobo has called it quits within the last six weeks....he's a liar. The improved training began in late November 2004.

Finally, let me say in the defense of the Reserves and the Guard...I don't agree with the way you're being employed either. Many of you don't have the experience or the training to step off the planes and be completely ready....but let's keep in mind you've been happy to take a promised paycheck for you to satisfy your end of the bargain. It's no mystery to anyone putting on the uniform that you might just come home in an aluminum box under our nation's flag. That's what they meant by "defend the Constitution against all enemies both foreign and domestic" when you took the oath...or the multiple times that Jacobo's taken it as referenced in this story.

I would expect a gung-ho Marine to have a little more guts to stand and fight any problems than to "cut and run" from them. Semper Fi, Jacobo? You need to change the message on your cell phone. You can have that message back when you choose to be “always faithful.” Right now you’re dishonoring thousands of Marines, both living and dead by playing your games with the media.

As always, from the high ground!


Read the rest of the longer story!


Another Blogger with a Poignant Story

A hat tip to Varifrank on this one...

You need to read this story...if you liked my tributes to Mike'll love this one.

Road Warrior

May VariFrank find solace in the idea that his friend is in a better place now, free of the cancer that took him before his time.

I hope to meet you and Joe on the high ground one day!


And here is the rest of it.

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Grilling Gonzales...The Left is At it Again!

While I'll claim complete ignorance about a great deal of what's swirling around in the Senate confirmation hearings regarding Alberto Gonzales...I do know that this is simply a way for those that disagree with President Bush's conduct of the war on Global Terrorism to poke their collective thumbs into his eyes.

Here's the latest from MSNBC about Gonzales and the kangaroo court he's being tried by in the media...

Gonzales Likely to Be Confirmed Amid Unanswered Questions

Apparently by being a legal advisor in Washington, DC...thousands of miles away from Abu Grabass prison and the scandals there make him a key figure in the policies for use of interrogation techniques. The scandal is now looking towards continuing operations in Guantanomo Bay's detention facility. In the article hear about statements given by one detainee that alleges that he and other detainees have been subjected to bizarre forms of humiliation and abuse by U.S. military inquisitors to include being:
  • Strapped to the floor in an interrogations center known as the Hell Room. (Would it make them feel any better if it was known as the "Presidential Suite?")

  • Wrapped in Israeli flags. (Horrors! Oh horrors!)

  • Taunted by female interrogators who rubbed their bodies against them in sexually suggestive ways. (Having been assigned with followers of Islam in the past...I find it very difficult to believe that these guys would complain. 20 or so years ago I had an attractive young lady ask me to dance in the "I-Bar" at Fort Benning's O-Club. While we were dancing, she explained to me that she wasn't really interested in me...but I was a far cry better than some of the Arab officers giving her a hard time. Chalk up one for the lady's ingenuity...take one away from MajorDad's self esteem.)

  • Being left alone in refrigerated cells for hours with deafening music blaring in their ears. (I guess these people haven't figured out that a flag can be used as a blanket.)
I suppose that we've just found another reason that I'll never be the president. I won't take a job where I'm supposed to fulfill the responsibilities of my position and then be second guessed by people ill-suited to render judgement on my decisions.

Interrogation of suspects and prisoners isn't supposed to be as cozy as a week at Sandals. While the goal of interrogation is to draw out information that can be used to successfully counter the insurgent/Sunni/Baathist/Al Queda threat, I hardly believe the what we might have done at Guantanomo and other interrogation facilities comes close to the of the following stories that have come out of Iraq regarding interrogation techniques used by Hussein's regime. Take a look at some of these links from the past...
While some of the alleged techniques might not quite fit the majority's image of "American Justice" the information that these detainees may provide is certainly germane to our survival as a nation. Can we afford to treat these people that intend to do us grave harm the luxuries and priviliges afforded to the average American criminal incarcerated within our own prison system? I think that there's a great deal of difference in someone that might be in jail for a drug related offense...and some Islamic fanaticist that's wearing an orange jumpsuit down in a cage in Cuba that might know something about the past operations, future operations, or organizational structure of an international terror organization like Al Queda.

Mr. Gonzales was about as complicit in the alleged prison abuses in Iraq and in Cuba as I was in the assasination of JFK. We were both alive when it happened, but neither of us can have anything pinned on us.

Let's allow Mr. Gonzales' nomination go before the Senate for confirmation and let's move on. Time is wasting in the Global War on Terrorism. Let's get serious and get it over with. Time for a knockout blow in Iraq. At that point we can turn our attention to some of the other members of the "Axis of Evil."

See you on the high ground!


And here is the rest of it.

Read the rest of the longer story!