Have you ever seen any merchandise for the Super Bowl "runner-ups?"
Here's something of a phenomena that's in the news .
Anti-Bush Bracelets Say, 'Count Me Blue'
Apparently there are some entrepreneurial types out there that saw a market for "loser paraphenalia" and filled it. The next amazing thing is that people are snapping it up online at places like liberal/democrat blogs and even on eBay.
Now I might be jumping to conclusions here...but don't you think that the $2-$5 people are shelling out for these little trinkets might be better spent by giving the money to a homeless person, a soup kitchen or a women's shelter? Where's the compassion? Where's the love?
I'm heading out to eBay to see if I can find some Oakland Raider stuff from the 2003 Super Bowl!
Or maybe I should head over to Cafe Press and jump on the Red State bandwagon. You know that conservative Republicans have oodles of money to spend on themselves...and never show any compassion at all. Woo hoo! I'll be rich, wealthy, socially secure!
See you on the high ground!