Armored vs. Un-Armored Vehicles in Iraq
Okay, let me try and make things perfectly clear. I do not want anyone to go into harm's way without the equipment, weapons, or ammunition required to complete their assigned mission. On the other hand, I have to fault the leaders, tacticians, and national command authority on their conduct of the war on insurgents, IEDs, and RPG ambushes. Here's my idea about how to fix the problem...
1. We've all heard about the "highways of death" and "ambush alleys" throughout Iraq. It's time to get tough here...and the interim government can certainly help us here. We need to start patrolling, conducting surveillance, and absolutely hammering ANYONE that approaches these routes under the cover of darkness. Maybe it's time to really "let loose the dogs of war" and start dealing with the sneaky little cowards that choose to fight us from the shadows.
2. We need to figure out how to get the "good" Iraqis that are willing to be tolerant of the differences between all the different peoples of Iraq AND to give up the "bad" Iraqis that are attempting to re-establish a heavy handed regime like the Baath Party...or a theocracy based strictly on Islam. It cannot happen for a number of reasons, but mostly because you can't get the different Islamic factions to work together very peacefully.
3. We need to start going back to the days of "Loose Lips Sink Ships." There is so much information available in the unclassified press for ANY enemy to help establish their own doctrine and tactics to defeat our forces. We need our press to act more responsibly. I'm not advocating military gag orders...but just because a reporter happens to talk to a bitching soldier, doesn't mean that the story is necessarily newsworthy.
The firestorm created by the Rumsfeld "Town Hall" meeting in the past few days....never should have happened. While I believe that soldiers might not understand why every HMMWV over there isn't armored, that tells me that their leaders have done a poor job explaining the "whys" of the answer. The bottom line is that HMMWVs were never intended to be armored vehicles. This changed within the past ten years where SOME HMMWVs were upgraded and given a little thicker skin to operate in certain areas of the battlefield where their brothers with vinyl doors have no business being.
Without going into any details that would put my butt behind bars in me that there are better things on the way to the troops in potential trouble spots around the globe. Pretty soon it will be funny to watch the results. We'll get the "bad guys" or maybe better yet, they'll get themselves.
This issue really had me twisted around today while I cruised back toward home...but maybe my real bottom line is that the session was intended to be between the SecDef and the soldiers. If I were king and had my way, I'd ensure that the press was given something better to do than to make mountains out of molehills on topics they have just a fleeting familiarity with.