Major Dad 1984

Cursed By A Classical Education

Let's just say that I intend to use this blog to blow off some steam that I might be feeling with the International/National media, my work situation, or maybe even to tee off on the family in a humorous way of course!


Help for The Unhappy Democrats...

If you agree with the headline from a British tabloid below...

Here's a link you might find helpful. Put your money, your Yugo, and your family where your mouth is.

Canadian Immigration

I suppose I could be more industrious and provide a number of other choices...but figure that most folks that would seriously consider leaving the US would be so lazy that anything further would be overkill.

Not that Mexico is a bad place, but I think that they've figured out that nobody really wants to go it stands, you'd think our border only worked one way. I hardly anticipate hearing about a Ryder truck full of unhappy Hollywood elites to be found several miles inside the Mexican Border...

From the high ground!


Read the rest of the longer story!


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